Monday, February 01, 2021

Thunderbird shortcut keys/Anand technical education

Anand tech

Table of Contents:

  1. Navigate Messages
  2. Compose and Edit Message
  3. Mark, Delete and Move Message
  4. Find Messages
  5. Retrieve Messages
  6. Other Shortcuts
1. Navigate Messages
F8Toggle Message Pane
F6/Tab/Shift+TabSwitch focus between Folders Pane and Message List Pane
Arrow Down/Arrow UpGo one message down / one message up
Home/EndGo to first message / go to last message
F/BGo to next / go to previous message
N/PGo to next / go to previous unread Message
[/]Go to previously viewed / go to next viewed Message
Command+O/EnterOpen message (in new window or tab)
Command+WClose window or tab
Command+TRedo close window or tab
Command+ASelect all messages
Command+Shift+ASelect all messages in Thread
Arrow Right/Arrow LeftExpand / collapse collapsed Thread
*/\Expand all Threads / collapse all Threads


2. Compose and Edit Message
Command+NNew Message
Command+RReply to Message (sender only)
Command+Shift+RReply to all in Message
Command+Shift+LReply to list
Command+LForward Message
Command+EEdit Message as new
Command+EnterSend Message now
Command+Shift+EnterSend Message later
Alt+Arrow DownAdd additional recipient
Command+[+]/-Increase / decrease text size of selection
Command+C/Command+X/Command+VCopy / Cut / Paste
Command+Shift+OPaste as quotation
Command+Shift+VPaste without formatting
Command+ASelect all text in a message
Command+SSave draft
Command+DeleteDelete current word
Command+BackspaceDelete previous word


3. Mark, Delete and Move Message
MMark Message as read / unread
RMark Message Thread as Read
Shift+CMark all Messages als Read
CMark as Read by date
J/Shift+JMark as Junk / mark as not junk
SAdd / remove Star
AArchive Message
Command+Alt+MMove to previous folder
DeleteDelete message
Shift+DeleteDelete with bypassing trash
KIgnore or Unignore Thread
Shift+KIgnore or Unignore Subthread
WWatch Thread
1 ... 9Add / remove Tag 1 ... 9
0 (zero)Remove all Tags from Message


4. Find Messages
Command+FFind Messages with Quick Filter
Command+Shift+FFind all Messages in Folder
Command+f and command+f againFind text in current Message
Command+G/F3Find text again next in Current Message
Command+Shift+G/Shift+F3Find text again previous in Current Message
Command+KMove to Search Bar


5. Retrieve Messages
Command+T/F5Send and retrieve all messages
F5Retrieve new messages for current account
Command+Shift+TRetrieve new messages for all accounts


6. Other Shortcuts
Command+UView Message Source
Command+SSave Message as File
F7Caret browsing (select text with keyboard)
Command+JOpen 'Saved Files' Window
Command+[+]/-Increase / decrease text size (zoom)
Command+ 0 (zero)Command + 0 (zero)Ctrl+0Restore Text Size (reset zoom)
Command+Shift+BOpen Address Book

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Safari shortcut keys/Anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. Manage Tabs and Windows
  2. Safari Features and Bookmarks
1. Manage Tabs and Windows
+TOpen new tab
+Shift+Right Arrow/Left ArrowJump to next / jump to previous tab
+WClose current tab
+ZRe-open closed tab (undo command)
+Option+wClose all tabs except active tab
+NOpen New Safari Window
+MMinimize current Window
+HHide all Safari Windows
+Shift+WClose Safari Window (current window, all tabs)
+`/+Shift+`Jump to next / jump to previous Safari Windows
+QClose Safari (all windows, all tabs)

2. Safari Features and Bookmarks
Option++1Show Top Sites
Option++2Show Collections (history, bookmarks, ...)
+DBookmark Page
+Shift+NOpen New Private Window (equivalent of Incognito mode in Google Chrome)
+1...9Jump to bookmark #1, #2, … from Bookmark Bar
+Shift+LShow Sidebar (to display Bookmarks, Reading List, and Shared Links pane)
+LJump to address/Link input bar
+Shift+ISend e-mail Included a link to this page
+ISend e-mail Included this page
Anand technical education

Quickbooks shortcut keys/Anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. General Pages
  2. Transaction Pages
  3. Enter Dates
  4. Calculate Amounts and Rates
  5. Navigate Form Fields and Manage Drop-down Lists
  6. Selecting Transactions in Account Registers
  7. Reference Number Fields (Ref # Fields)
1. General Pages
Command+Option+?Show Keyboard Reference
WChecks (Think of it as write checks)
RReceive Payment
AChart of Accounts
FFind / Search Transactions


2. Transaction Pages
XExit Transaction View
SSave and New
MSave and Send (Think of it as send as message)


3. Enter Dates
+/-Next Day / Previous Day
WFirst day of the Week
KLast day of the Week
MFirst day of the Month
HLast day of the month
YFirst day of the Year
RLast day of the year
Option+Arrow DownOpen the pop-up calendar icon to the right of a date field.


4. Calculate Amounts and Rates
+/-Add / Substract
*/[/]Multiply / Divide
(  )Group
TabCalculate the Result


5. Navigate Form Fields and Manage Drop-down Lists
Tab/Shift+TabGo forward / go backwards
SpaceCheck a checkbox
Option+Arrow DownOpen a drop-down list, and open list of sub items if present
Arrow Up/Arrow DownMove through drop-down list
TabSelect item and move to next field
Command+Arrow Down/Command+Arrow UpScroll through list without opening it
Option+Shift+SSave Forms (Option+S for IE)


6. Selecting Transactions in Account Registers
Shift+TabSelect the transaction type field in a new transaction row
Option+Arrow DownOpen the list
Arrow Up/Arrow DownMove through the list
AZTyping first letter of transaction selects it; repeat letters for multiples with the same start letter.
TabSelect transaction and move to next field


7. Reference Number Fields (Ref # Fields)
+/-Increase / Decrease Ref Number
TEnters To Print in the Ref # field for check, bill payment, or paycheck
Option+Shift+SSave transaction (Option+S in IE)
Option+EEdit saved transaction
Anand technical education

Qt creater shortcut keys/Anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. General
  2. Editor
  3. Image Viewer
  4. Qt Quick Designer
  5. Debugging
  6. Project
  7. Version Control
  8. Help
1. General
Ctrl+OOpen file or project
Ctrl+NNew file or project
Command+V, Command+IOpen in external editor
Ctrl+ASelect all
Ctrl+X/Ctrl+C/Ctrl+VCut / Copy / Paste
Ctrl+Shift+SSave all
Ctrl+WClose window
Ctrl+Shift+WClose all windows
Ctrl+F4Close current file
Command+Arrow Left /Command+Arrow RightGo back / Go forward
Ctrl+LGo to line
Ctrl+E, OGo to other split
Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+TabPrevious open document / Next open document in history
Ctrl+KActivate Locator
Ctrl+1Switch to Welcome mode
Ctrl+2Switch to Edit mode
Ctrl+3Switch to Design mode
Ctrl+4Switch to Debug mode
Ctrl+5Switch to Projects mode
Ctrl+6Switch to Analyze mode
Ctrl+7Switch to Help mode
Command+1Toggle Issues pane
Command+2Toggle Search Results pane
Command+3Toggle Application Output pane
Command+4Toggle Compile Output pane
Command+5...9Toggle other output panes
Command+MActivate Bookmarks pane
Command+YActivate File System pane
Command+OActivate Open Documents pane
Command+9Maximize output panes
F6Move to next item in output panes
Shift+F6Move to previous item in output panes
Command+XActivate Projects pane
Ctrl+Shift+F11Full screen
Command+0Toggle the sidebar
EscMove to Edit mode
Ctrl+QExit Qt Creator

2. Editor
Ctrl+IAuto-indent selection
Ctrl+</Ctrl+>Collapse / Expand
Ctrl+SpaceTrigger a completion in this scope
Ctrl+InsertCopy line
Ctrl+Command+DownCopy line down / copy line up
Ctrl+Shift+VPaste from the clipboard history, Subsequent presses move you back in the history
Shift+DeleteCut line
Ctrl+JJoin lines
Ctrl+Shift+EnterInsert line above current line
Ctrl+EnterInsert line below current line
Ctrl+-/Ctrl++Decrease / increase font size (or Ctrl+scroll)
Ctrl+0Reset font size
Command+V, Alt+VToggle Vim-style editing
Ctrl+E, 2Split
Ctrl+E, 3Split side by side
Ctrl+E, 1Remove all splits
Ctrl+E, 0Remove current split
Ctrl+ASelect all
Ctrl+]/Ctrl+[Go to block end / Go to block start
Ctrl+}/Ctrl+{Go to block end / Go to block start with selection
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Down/Ctrl+Shift+Arrow UpMove current line down / Move current line up
Command+EnterTrigger a refactoring action in this scope
Ctrl+E, RRewrap paragraph
Ctrl+USelect the current block The second press extends the selection to the parent block
Ctrl+E, Ctrl+WEnable text wrapping
Ctrl+/Toggle comment for selection
Ctrl+E, Ctrl+VVisualize whitespace
Ctrl+JAdjust size
Ctrl+GLay out in a grid
Ctrl+HLay out horizontally
Ctrl+LLay out vertically
F4Edit signals and slots
Ctrl+MToggle bookmark
Ctrl+./Ctrl+,Go to next bookmark / go to previous bookmar
Command+C, Alt+FFetch snippet
Command+C, Alt+PPaste snippet
Ctrl+Shift+UFind usages
F2Follow symbol under cursor; Works with namespaces, classes, methods, variables, include statements and macros
Ctrl+Shift+RRename symbol under cursor
Shift+F2Switch between method declaration and definition
Ctrl+Shift+TOpen type hierarchy
F4Switch between header and source file
Command+UTurn selected text into lowercase
Command+Shift+UTurn selected text into uppercase
Ctrl+Shift+CRun static checks on JavaScript code to find common problems
Ctrl+FFind and replace
F3/Shift+F3Find next / Find previous
Ctrl+F3/Ctrl+Shift+F3Find next / Find previous occurrence of selected text
Ctrl+=Replace next
Ctrl+Shift+FOpen advanced find
Command+(Record a text-editing macro
Command+)Stop recording a macro
Command+RPlay last macro
Ctrl+Command+SpaceShow Qt Quick toolbars
Command+V, 1...9Execute user actions 1 … 9 in FakeVim mode


3. Image Viewer
Ctrl+[Switch to background
Ctrl+]Switch to outline
Ctrl++ /Ctrl+-Zoom in / Zoom out
Ctrl+=Fit to screen
Ctrl+0Original size


4. Qt Quick Designer
F2Open the QML file that defines the selected component
F4Move between code editor and visual editor
Ctrl+Command+0Toggle left sidebar
Ctrl+Command+Shift+0Toggle right sidebar


5. Debugging
F5Start or continue debugging
Shift+F5Exit debugger
F10Step over
F11Step into
Shift+F11Step out
F9Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl+F6Run to selected function
Ctrl+F10Run to line
F12Reverse direction


6. Project
Ctrl+BBuild project
Ctrl+Shift+BBuild all
Ctrl+Shift+NNew project
Ctrl+Shift+OOpen project
Ctrl+TSelect the kit to build and run your project with


7. Version Control
Command+Z, Alt+CCommit/Submit
Command+Z, Alt+DDiff
Command+Z, Alt+LLog/Filelog
Command+Z, Alt+SStatus
Command+C, Alt+AAdd
Command+C, Alt+CCommit/Submit
Command+C, Alt+DDiff
Command+G, Command+AAdd
Command+G, Command+CCommit/Submit
Command+G, Command+DDiff
Command+G, Command+Shift+DDiff project
Command+G, Command+BBlame/Annotate
Command+G, Command+LLog/Filelog
Command+G, Command+KLog project
Command+G, Command+UUndo changes/Revert
Command+P, Command+AAdd
Command+P, Command+SCommit/Submit
Command+P, Command+DDiff project
Command+P, Command+FLog/Filelog
Command+P, Command+RUndo changes/Revert
Command+P, Command+EEdit
Command+G, Command+AAdd
Command+G, Command+CCommit/Submit
Command+G, Command+DDiff

8. Help
F1View context-sensitive help
Ctrl+TActivate contents in Help mode
Ctrl+MAdd bookmark in Help mode
Ctrl+IActivate index in Help mode
Ctrl+0Reset font size
Ctrl+SActivate search in Help mode
Anand technical education