Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Google calendar shortcut key / Anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. Navigation
  2. Actions
  3. Application
1. Navigation
k/j or p/nView previous/next period
rRefresh view
tView today
1 or dDay view
2 or wWeek view
3 or mMonth view
4 or xCustom view (default 4 weeks)
5 or aAgenda view


2. Actions
cCreate event
qQuick add event
eEvent details (after clicking an event's title bar)
backspace or deleteDelete event (after clicking an event's title bar)
ctrl+z or zUndo last action (if possible)


3. Application
/Focus the search box
shift++ or +Focus the add a calendar box
ctrl+? or ?Show list of shortcut keys

Anand technical education

Feedly shortcut key/ anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. Navigation
  2. Article List Actions
  3. Selected Article Actions
1. Navigation
g, then hGo home
g, then aGo to all articles view
g, then lGo to saved articles view
g, then gGo to the magic bar (where you can search among your feeds)
shift+jNext feed or collection
shift+kPrevious feed or collection
?Open the list of keyboard shortcuts

2. Article List Actions
jOpen next article
kOpen previous article
nSelect next article
pSelect previous article
vView original in a new tab
shift+aMark all articles as read

3. Selected Article Actions
enterOpen selected article
escClose selected article
oToggle selected article open/closed
mToggle mark as read
xMark as read and hide
sSave for later
bShare via buffer
cClip to Evernote

Anand technical education

Facebook shortcut key /anand technical education

Anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. Modifier Keys (How to use on different Platforms)
  2. Standard Shortcuts
  3. Newsfeed Navigation
  4. Lightbox Mode
1. Modifier Keys (How to use on different Platforms)
Different Platforms have different 'modifier keys'. If e.g. shortcut 1 is for home, you would press Alt+1 on Chrome for Windows, but Alt+Shift+1 on Firefox for Windows
Shift+Alt+#Firefox for PC
Ctrl+Option+#Safari for Mac
Ctrl+Option+#Firefox for Mac
Ctrl+Option+#Chrome for Mac
Alt+#Chrome for PC


2. Standard Shortcuts
6general account settings
7privacy settings
8Facebook's Facebook page
9legal terms
0help center
Mnew message


3. Newsfeed Navigation
J/KScroll forward through News Feed / Scroll backwards through News Feed
CComment on selected story
ILike or unlike a story


4. Lightbox Mode
LLike or unlike a photo
Arrow Left/Arrow Rightskip back and forth between photos