Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Qt creater shortcut keys/Anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. General
  2. Editor
  3. Image Viewer
  4. Qt Quick Designer
  5. Debugging
  6. Project
  7. Version Control
  8. Help
1. General
Ctrl+OOpen file or project
Ctrl+NNew file or project
Command+V, Command+IOpen in external editor
Ctrl+ASelect all
Ctrl+X/Ctrl+C/Ctrl+VCut / Copy / Paste
Ctrl+Shift+SSave all
Ctrl+WClose window
Ctrl+Shift+WClose all windows
Ctrl+F4Close current file
Command+Arrow Left /Command+Arrow RightGo back / Go forward
Ctrl+LGo to line
Ctrl+E, OGo to other split
Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+TabPrevious open document / Next open document in history
Ctrl+KActivate Locator
Ctrl+1Switch to Welcome mode
Ctrl+2Switch to Edit mode
Ctrl+3Switch to Design mode
Ctrl+4Switch to Debug mode
Ctrl+5Switch to Projects mode
Ctrl+6Switch to Analyze mode
Ctrl+7Switch to Help mode
Command+1Toggle Issues pane
Command+2Toggle Search Results pane
Command+3Toggle Application Output pane
Command+4Toggle Compile Output pane
Command+5...9Toggle other output panes
Command+MActivate Bookmarks pane
Command+YActivate File System pane
Command+OActivate Open Documents pane
Command+9Maximize output panes
F6Move to next item in output panes
Shift+F6Move to previous item in output panes
Command+XActivate Projects pane
Ctrl+Shift+F11Full screen
Command+0Toggle the sidebar
EscMove to Edit mode
Ctrl+QExit Qt Creator

2. Editor
Ctrl+IAuto-indent selection
Ctrl+</Ctrl+>Collapse / Expand
Ctrl+SpaceTrigger a completion in this scope
Ctrl+InsertCopy line
Ctrl+Command+DownCopy line down / copy line up
Ctrl+Shift+VPaste from the clipboard history, Subsequent presses move you back in the history
Shift+DeleteCut line
Ctrl+JJoin lines
Ctrl+Shift+EnterInsert line above current line
Ctrl+EnterInsert line below current line
Ctrl+-/Ctrl++Decrease / increase font size (or Ctrl+scroll)
Ctrl+0Reset font size
Command+V, Alt+VToggle Vim-style editing
Ctrl+E, 2Split
Ctrl+E, 3Split side by side
Ctrl+E, 1Remove all splits
Ctrl+E, 0Remove current split
Ctrl+ASelect all
Ctrl+]/Ctrl+[Go to block end / Go to block start
Ctrl+}/Ctrl+{Go to block end / Go to block start with selection
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Down/Ctrl+Shift+Arrow UpMove current line down / Move current line up
Command+EnterTrigger a refactoring action in this scope
Ctrl+E, RRewrap paragraph
Ctrl+USelect the current block The second press extends the selection to the parent block
Ctrl+E, Ctrl+WEnable text wrapping
Ctrl+/Toggle comment for selection
Ctrl+E, Ctrl+VVisualize whitespace
Ctrl+JAdjust size
Ctrl+GLay out in a grid
Ctrl+HLay out horizontally
Ctrl+LLay out vertically
F4Edit signals and slots
Ctrl+MToggle bookmark
Ctrl+./Ctrl+,Go to next bookmark / go to previous bookmar
Command+C, Alt+FFetch snippet
Command+C, Alt+PPaste snippet
Ctrl+Shift+UFind usages
F2Follow symbol under cursor; Works with namespaces, classes, methods, variables, include statements and macros
Ctrl+Shift+RRename symbol under cursor
Shift+F2Switch between method declaration and definition
Ctrl+Shift+TOpen type hierarchy
F4Switch between header and source file
Command+UTurn selected text into lowercase
Command+Shift+UTurn selected text into uppercase
Ctrl+Shift+CRun static checks on JavaScript code to find common problems
Ctrl+FFind and replace
F3/Shift+F3Find next / Find previous
Ctrl+F3/Ctrl+Shift+F3Find next / Find previous occurrence of selected text
Ctrl+=Replace next
Ctrl+Shift+FOpen advanced find
Command+(Record a text-editing macro
Command+)Stop recording a macro
Command+RPlay last macro
Ctrl+Command+SpaceShow Qt Quick toolbars
Command+V, 1...9Execute user actions 1 … 9 in FakeVim mode


3. Image Viewer
Ctrl+[Switch to background
Ctrl+]Switch to outline
Ctrl++ /Ctrl+-Zoom in / Zoom out
Ctrl+=Fit to screen
Ctrl+0Original size


4. Qt Quick Designer
F2Open the QML file that defines the selected component
F4Move between code editor and visual editor
Ctrl+Command+0Toggle left sidebar
Ctrl+Command+Shift+0Toggle right sidebar


5. Debugging
F5Start or continue debugging
Shift+F5Exit debugger
F10Step over
F11Step into
Shift+F11Step out
F9Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl+F6Run to selected function
Ctrl+F10Run to line
F12Reverse direction


6. Project
Ctrl+BBuild project
Ctrl+Shift+BBuild all
Ctrl+Shift+NNew project
Ctrl+Shift+OOpen project
Ctrl+TSelect the kit to build and run your project with


7. Version Control
Command+Z, Alt+CCommit/Submit
Command+Z, Alt+DDiff
Command+Z, Alt+LLog/Filelog
Command+Z, Alt+SStatus
Command+C, Alt+AAdd
Command+C, Alt+CCommit/Submit
Command+C, Alt+DDiff
Command+G, Command+AAdd
Command+G, Command+CCommit/Submit
Command+G, Command+DDiff
Command+G, Command+Shift+DDiff project
Command+G, Command+BBlame/Annotate
Command+G, Command+LLog/Filelog
Command+G, Command+KLog project
Command+G, Command+UUndo changes/Revert
Command+P, Command+AAdd
Command+P, Command+SCommit/Submit
Command+P, Command+DDiff project
Command+P, Command+FLog/Filelog
Command+P, Command+RUndo changes/Revert
Command+P, Command+EEdit
Command+G, Command+AAdd
Command+G, Command+CCommit/Submit
Command+G, Command+DDiff

8. Help
F1View context-sensitive help
Ctrl+TActivate contents in Help mode
Ctrl+MAdd bookmark in Help mode
Ctrl+IActivate index in Help mode
Ctrl+0Reset font size
Ctrl+SActivate search in Help mode
Anand technical education