Friday, January 15, 2021

Google spreadsheet shortcut key /Anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. Movement within worksheets
  2. Movement within a selected range
  3. Entering/editing data
  4. Miscellaneous Shortcuts
1. Movement within worksheets
Arrow KeysMove one cell up, down, left, or right
TabMove one cell to the right
Shift+TabMove one cell to the left
EndMove to the end of the row
Ctrl+EndGo to last cell in data region
HomeMove to the beginning of the row
Ctrl+HomeMove to the beginning of the worksheet
Ctrl+Arrow Left / Ctrl+Arrow RightGo to left-most / right-most cell in current row
Ctrl+Arrow Down / Ctrl+Arrow UpGo to bottom-most / to-most cell in current column
Ctrl+Page Down / Ctrl+Page UpMove to next / move to previousworksheet
Alt+Page Down / Alt+Page UpMove one screen to the right / one screen to the left
Ctrl+BackspaceScroll to the active cell when multiple cells are selected
Ctrl+Shift+Page Up/Page DownSwitch sheets


2. Movement within a selected range
EnterMove from top to bottom within the selected range
Shift+EnterMove from bottom to top within the selected range
TabMove from left to right within the selected range. If cells in a single column are selected, move down.
Shift+TabMove from right to left within the selected range. If cells in a single column are selected, move up.


3. Entering/editing data
Ctrl+aSelect the all / entire worksheet
Ctrl+bBold the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl+cCopy the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl+fFind words or phrases within the spreadsheet
Ctrl+iItalicize the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl+rCopy the content of the selected cell right (used in combo with Shift + arrow)
Ctrl+uUnderline the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl+vPaste the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl+xCut the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl+yRedo the last action
Ctrl+zUndo the last action.
EnterComplete a cell entry and select the cell below
Shift+EnterComplete a cell entry and select the previous cell above
Alt+EnterStart a new line in the same cell
Ctrl+EnterInsert line break in a cell
TabComplete a cell entry and select the next cell to the right
Shift+TabComplete a cell entry and select the previous cell to the left
F2Edit the active cell and position the insertion point at the end of the cell contents
Shift+F2Edit comment
EscCancel cell entry
BackspaceEdit the active cell and then clear it, or delete the preceding character in the active cell as you edit cell contents
DeleteDelete the character to the right of the insertion point, or delete the selection
Ctrl+SpaceSelect the entire column
Shift+SpaceSelect the entire row
Shift+Arrow KeysManual select
Ctrl+Shift+sMake a copy of the document
Alt+Shift+5Strikethrough formatting for the contents of the cell
Alt+Shift+&Apply border outline to selected cells
Alt+Shift+_Remove border outline from selected cells
Alt+Shift+tApply or remove top border from the selected cells
Alt+Shift+bApply or remove bottom border from the selected cells
Alt+Shift+rApply or remove right border from the selected cells
Alt+Shift+lApply or remove left border from the selected cells


4. Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Ctrl+Shift+EnterWrap current formula in an ArrayFormula
Ctrl+;Insert current date into cell
Ctrl+:Insert current time into cell
Ctrl+/Open keyboard shortcuts help
Ctrl+'View all formulas

Anand technical education

Google reader shortcut key/Anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. Reading List Navigation
  2. Reading List Actions
  3. Side Pane Navigation
  4. Application Navigation
  5. View and Application Actions
1. Reading List Navigation
j/k or space/shift+spaceNext/previous item
n/pSelect next/previous item in list view
o or enterExpand/collapse item in list view
1Expand all items
2Collapse all items
=/-Increase/decrease text size


2. Reading List Actions
sStar item
lLike item
tTag item
eEmail item
shift+sShare/unshare item
shift+dShare item with a note
vView original
aAdd subscription
shift+cView comments
mMark item read/unread
shift+aMark all items read


3. Side Pane Navigation
shift+n/pNext/previous subscription or folder
shift+xExpand folder
shift+oOpen selected subscription or folder


4. Application Navigation
g then hGo home
g then aGo to all items
g then sGo to starred items
g then shift+sGo to shared items
g then uGo to subscription selector (then use arrow keys)
g then tGo to tag selector
g then shift+tGo to trends page
g then dGo to discovery
g then fGo to friend selector
g then shift+fGo to friends' shared items
g then cGo to comment view
g then eGo to explore
g then pGo to popular items


5. View and Application Actions
rRefresh view
fFull screen view
uHide/unhide the side pane
/Focus search box
?Open list of keyboard shortcuts
escapeCancel current item (sometimes needed to return focus to root window)

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Google play music shortcut key/ Anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. Playback
  2. General
  3. Navigation
  4. Songlists
1. Playback
SpacePlay or pause music
Go to the previous song
Go to the next song
Shift+Seek backward in the current song
Shift+Seek forward in the current song
SToggle shuffle on or off
RToggle repeat between off, all, and one

2. General
MToggle the navigation menu
Shift+QToggle the queue open or closed
-Decrease the player volume
=Increase the player volume
PCreate a new playlist


3. Navigation
g then hGo to Listen Now
g then aGo to my artists
g then bGo to my albums
g then mGo to my stations
g then pGo to my playlists
g then sGo to my songs
g then gGo to my genres
g then eGo to top charts
g then nGo to new releases
g then tGo to browse stations

4. Songlists
Select the item above the current selection
Select the item below the current selection
DeleteDelete the current selection
QAdds the currently selected songs to the queue
Alt+=Rate the current song thumbs up
Alt+-Rate the current song thumbs down
ADisplays the menu for the currently selected song
ICreate a new radio station from the selected song
EEdits the currently selected songs
Anand technical education

Google drive shortcut key/anandtechnicaleducation

Table of Contents:

  1. Navigation and Views
  2. Item Selection
  3. Item Actions
  4. Create New Items
  5. Open Menus
  6. Application Actions

NOTE: These shortcuts were tested in the "New Google Drive." There may be slight inconsistencies if you are using the older interface.

1. Navigation and Views
g then n or g then fGo to navigation panel (the folders list)
g then lGo to items view
vToggle grid view and list view
g then dGo to details pane
g then tGo to top of application
g then aGo to download status
g then uGo to upload status
dShow or hide the details pane
iShow or hide the activity pane

2. Item Selection
xSelect or deselect item
j or downSelect next item down
k or upSelect next item up
h or leftSelect next item to the left
l or rightSelect next item to the right
shift+up/down/left/rightExpand selection up/down/left/right
ctrl+up/down/left/rightMove focus up/down/left/right without changing selection
shift+aSelect all visible items
shift+nSelect none (clear selection)


3. Item Actions
o or enterOpen selected item
nRename selected item
.Share selected item
zMove selected item to folder
shift+zAdd selected item to folder (Note: items can appear in more than one folder at once in Google Drive)
sStar or unstar selected item
#Remove selected item
ctrl+zUndo last action
ctrl+shift+zRedo last action


4. Create New Items
shift+tCreate new document
shift+pCreate new presentation
shift+sCreate new spreadsheet
shift+dCreate new drawing
shift+fCreate new folder
shift+oCreate new form


5. Open Menus
cOpen create menu
aOpen actions menu
fOpen folder menu
rOpen sort menu
tOpen settings menu

6. Application Actions
?Display keyboard shortcuts list
q then qCycle through visual density options (row height and element spacing)
mShow last message
/Search your Drive

Anand technical education

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Google calendar shortcut key / Anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. Navigation
  2. Actions
  3. Application
1. Navigation
k/j or p/nView previous/next period
rRefresh view
tView today
1 or dDay view
2 or wWeek view
3 or mMonth view
4 or xCustom view (default 4 weeks)
5 or aAgenda view


2. Actions
cCreate event
qQuick add event
eEvent details (after clicking an event's title bar)
backspace or deleteDelete event (after clicking an event's title bar)
ctrl+z or zUndo last action (if possible)


3. Application
/Focus the search box
shift++ or +Focus the add a calendar box
ctrl+? or ?Show list of shortcut keys

Anand technical education

Feedly shortcut key/ anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. Navigation
  2. Article List Actions
  3. Selected Article Actions
1. Navigation
g, then hGo home
g, then aGo to all articles view
g, then lGo to saved articles view
g, then gGo to the magic bar (where you can search among your feeds)
shift+jNext feed or collection
shift+kPrevious feed or collection
?Open the list of keyboard shortcuts

2. Article List Actions
jOpen next article
kOpen previous article
nSelect next article
pSelect previous article
vView original in a new tab
shift+aMark all articles as read

3. Selected Article Actions
enterOpen selected article
escClose selected article
oToggle selected article open/closed
mToggle mark as read
xMark as read and hide
sSave for later
bShare via buffer
cClip to Evernote

Anand technical education

Facebook shortcut key /anand technical education

Anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. Modifier Keys (How to use on different Platforms)
  2. Standard Shortcuts
  3. Newsfeed Navigation
  4. Lightbox Mode
1. Modifier Keys (How to use on different Platforms)
Different Platforms have different 'modifier keys'. If e.g. shortcut 1 is for home, you would press Alt+1 on Chrome for Windows, but Alt+Shift+1 on Firefox for Windows
Shift+Alt+#Firefox for PC
Ctrl+Option+#Safari for Mac
Ctrl+Option+#Firefox for Mac
Ctrl+Option+#Chrome for Mac
Alt+#Chrome for PC


2. Standard Shortcuts
6general account settings
7privacy settings
8Facebook's Facebook page
9legal terms
0help center
Mnew message


3. Newsfeed Navigation
J/KScroll forward through News Feed / Scroll backwards through News Feed
CComment on selected story
ILike or unlike a story


4. Lightbox Mode
LLike or unlike a photo
Arrow Left/Arrow Rightskip back and forth between photos