Friday, January 15, 2021

Google reader shortcut key/Anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. Reading List Navigation
  2. Reading List Actions
  3. Side Pane Navigation
  4. Application Navigation
  5. View and Application Actions
1. Reading List Navigation
j/k or space/shift+spaceNext/previous item
n/pSelect next/previous item in list view
o or enterExpand/collapse item in list view
1Expand all items
2Collapse all items
=/-Increase/decrease text size


2. Reading List Actions
sStar item
lLike item
tTag item
eEmail item
shift+sShare/unshare item
shift+dShare item with a note
vView original
aAdd subscription
shift+cView comments
mMark item read/unread
shift+aMark all items read


3. Side Pane Navigation
shift+n/pNext/previous subscription or folder
shift+xExpand folder
shift+oOpen selected subscription or folder


4. Application Navigation
g then hGo home
g then aGo to all items
g then sGo to starred items
g then shift+sGo to shared items
g then uGo to subscription selector (then use arrow keys)
g then tGo to tag selector
g then shift+tGo to trends page
g then dGo to discovery
g then fGo to friend selector
g then shift+fGo to friends' shared items
g then cGo to comment view
g then eGo to explore
g then pGo to popular items


5. View and Application Actions
rRefresh view
fFull screen view
uHide/unhide the side pane
/Focus search box
?Open list of keyboard shortcuts
escapeCancel current item (sometimes needed to return focus to root window)