Wednesday, January 16, 2019
A-What is computer? Computer is an electronic device machine. It is made by human for solved his problems. In value that computer the data. Computer is data processing device. It is use for more ways in this time for example calculating, math, medical, telephone, airline, entertainment bank, game, railway etc. B- Full from of computer. C = Commonly or Calculating O = Operating or out/put M = Memory or Machine P = Processing or Particulars U = Unit or Update T = Technical E = Edit or Education R =Research or Response C- Parts of computer. C.P.U. (Central Processing Unit) It is a main part of computer. This is use for processing after push button. CPU will be processing if any flat of computer it will be closed. Monitor- This is a second part of computer. It is same like of T.V. It is used to see which type appear on screen. Mouse- It is use for drawing any picture or graphic can also open & closed. Keyboard- It is used for input data for processing. Printer- This is used for printing a typing matter or graphic. Sound- This is used to output volume. D- Advantage of computer. There are many advantage of computer. Speed- Computer can do very faster work. We can do thousand calculation of per second. Memory- Computer can do large amount of data to store. Get Not Tired- Computer can do continue work but human cannot do continue work after need rest. E. Software- With a personal computer you can type professional looking letter, create letterhead, balance your checkbook, create chart, playing Game, do home work, learn to type etc that called software. F. Hardware- This is actual machine monitor, CPU, Keyboard, Mouse, Printer & system unit hardware refers to the items that you can see and touch. G- Operating System- The operating system is the link between the hardware & the software. The operating system DOS (Disk Operating System) manages files and runs on the computer. H- Utility Software- Utility software is designed t
A-What is computer?
Computer is an electronic device machine. It is made by human for solved his problems. In value that computer the data. Computer is data processing device. It is use for more ways in this time for example calculating, math, medical, telephone, airline, entertainment bank, game, railway etc.
B- Full from of computer.
C = Commonly or Calculating
O = Operating or out/put
M = Memory or Machine
P = Processing or Particulars
U = Unit or Update
T = Technical
E = Edit or Education
R =Research or Response
C- Parts of computer.
(Central Processing Unit) It is a main part of computer. This is use for processing after push button. CPU will be processing if any flat of computer it will be closed.
This is a second part of computer. It is same like of T.V. It is used to see which type appear on screen.
It is use for drawing any picture or graphic can also open & closed.
It is used for input data for processing.
This is used for printing a typing matter or graphic.
This is used to output volume.
D- Advantage of computer.
There are many advantage of computer.
Computer can do very faster work. We can do thousand calculation of per second.
Computer can do large amount of data to store.
Get Not Tired-
Computer can do continue work but human cannot do continue work after need rest.
E. Software-
With a personal computer you can type professional looking letter,
create letterhead, balance your checkbook, create chart, playing
Game, do home work, learn to type etc that called software.
F. Hardware-
This is actual machine monitor, CPU, Keyboard, Mouse, Printer &
system unit hardware refers to the items that you can see and touch.
G- Operating System-
The operating system is the link between the hardware & the
software. The operating system DOS (Disk Operating System)
manages files and runs on the computer.
H- Utility Software-
Utility software is designed to make your system.
I- Storage – Computer can do store large amount of data.
0 or 1 = 1Bit
8 Bits = 1 Bytes or 1 character
1024Bytes = 1 KB (Kilo Bytes)
1024 KB = 1MB (Mega Bytes)
1024 MB = 1GB (Giga Bytes)
1024 GB = 1 TB (Tera Bytes)
J- Type writer key– There are normal keyboard this include letters,
Numbers& Punctuation symbols.
K- Function Key- These are the key label F1 to F12 used different function
depending on the software are using for example F3 TO repeat the last in
Dos command you typed.
L- Cursor control key-←,→,↑,↓ called the left, right, up, down arrow key.
There are four other cursor control key home, end, page up, page down.
M- Numeric keypad- On the right hand side of the key board is the numeric keypad
containing calculating like keys.
N- ESC key- In the most application you can use these key to cancel or ignore the
entry or command you home just entered.
O- Print Screen Key- In this key is pressed along with shift key then what ever is
being displayed on the screen gets printed on the printer.
P- Backspace Key- Pressing delete backspace key erases the charters to the left
moving the cursor back are a create a time erasing what you typed last.
Q- Delete- Pressing delete eraser can space at a time the charter to the right
moving the cursor.
R- Full Form –
BIOS = Basic input output system
DOS = Disc operating system
OS = Operating system
MS = Microsoft
I/O = input/output
PC = Personal computer
CPU = Central processing unit
AC = Analog computer
DC = Digital computer or Desktop computer
HD = Hybrid computer
SC = Super computer
MFC = Main frame computer
MC = Mini computer
WWW = World Wide Web
LAN = Local area network
WAN = Wide area network
LSIC = large scale integrated circuits
VLSIC = Very large scale integrated circuits
ALU = Arithmetic logic unit
VDU = Visual display unit
ROM = Read only memory
RAM = Random access memory
CD = Compact disk
HDD = Hard disk drive
FDD = Floppy disk drive
UPS = Uninterrupted power supply
S- Data- Data is the information row facts which we feed into computer.
T- Record- A group of data is known as record.
U- File- File is a group of related records.
V- Press window key + R = To display the run command
W- Press window key + D = Direct show the desktop.
X- Program- Display all list of programs you can start.
Y- Documents- Display a list of documents that you can open & print.
Z- Settings- Display a list of components which can changes & setting.
Run- Start a program or open folder when you type a ms.dos command.
Shut Down- Shut down or restart your computer.
Taskbar- The bar containing the start button on the screen when you start on the
Desktop- The first screen after the computer is on containing different files and
folders with taskbar is known as the desktop.
My Documents- This icon represents the built folder created by Microsoft where
you can store your files. It is a default directory of ms- word, ms- excel etc.
Recycle Bin- It is system folder that stores all delete items. When you delete any
items then it store in it but we can restore deleted items from the recycle bin
like a dustbin.
How to restore or deleted file from recycle bin.
Double click on the recycle bin icon.
Choose required item and click the right button on it.
Click on either restore or deleted your requirements file.
How to create folder.
Right click on the desktop.
Click on new.
Click on folder.
Type your folder name & press enter
How to open folder or file?
Double click Fast file or folder icon
Select file or folder
Press enter key
Right click on file icon & click on open.
How to rename folder.
Right click on folder icon.
Click on rename.
Type your name & press enter key.
How to delete folder.
Select the file or folder
Press del key
Click on yes or ok
Right click on the folder
Click on delete
Click on yes