Friday, February 05, 2021

Vlc media player shortcut keys/Anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. Most used
  2. Mouse actions
  3. Movie Navigation
  4. Jump in playback
  5. Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
1. Most used
SpacePause or play movie
SSubtitles on/off
BAudio track cycle
Ctrl+Arrow Up/Ctrl+Arrow DownVolume

2. Mouse actions
Double clickFullscreen
ScrollVolume or Position (see settings)
Right clickLocal menu (play controls, audio/video)


3. Movie Navigation
Ctrl+DOpen disc menu
Ctrl+FOpen folder (browse folder menu)
Ctrl+R/Ctrl+SAdvanced open file
Ctrl+OOpen single file(s)
MMute and unmute audio
PPlay movie (from the very beginning)
SStop movie
EscExit full screen mode
[+]/-/=Faster, slower, normal
AAspect ratio
CCrop screen
G/HDecrease subtitle delay / Increase subtitle delay
J/KDecrease audio delay / Increase audio delay
ZChange zoom mode
Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3, Ctrl+4Recent media (in Media - Recent media menu)
TShow time
Ctrl+TGoto time
ENext Frame. Advance forward frame-by-frame


4. Jump in playback
Command+Ctrl+Arrow Left/Arrow RightVery short jump (3 seconds) default
Command+Alt+Arrow Left/Arrow RightShort jump (10 seconds) default
Command+Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow RightMedium jump (1 minute) default
Command+Alt+Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow RightLong jump (5 minutes) default

5. Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Ctrl+HHide / unhide controls
Ctrl+PPreferences/ interface settings
Ctrl+EAdjustments and audio/video effects
Ctrl+BEdit bookmarks
Ctrl+MOpen messages
Ctrl+NOpen network
Ctrl+COpen captue device
Ctrl+LOpen playlist
Ctrl+YSave playlist
Ctrl+I/Ctrl+JMedia information
Alt+AOpen audio menu
Alt+HOpen help menu
Alt+MOpen media menu
Alt+POpen playlist menu
Alt+TOpen tool menu
Alt+VOpen video menu
Alt+LOpen playback menu
DShow movie path
NPlay next movie from playlist
F1Show Help
F11Window full-screen (not equal to pressing F)
Alt+F4, Alt+q or Ctrl+QQuit VLC
nand technical education