Friday, January 15, 2021

Google instant search shortcut key/anandtechnicaleducation


Table of Contents:

  1. In Search Box
  2. In Search Results
1. In Search Box
az in Search BoxType search term, Instant Search updates as you type
enter in Search BoxJump from Search Box to Search Results (arrow icon left to first result appears)
arrow up / arrow downChoose Suggestions in Dropdown Selection List
az in Selection ListContinue typing to update Search Results
enter in Selection ListUpdate Search Result and jump to Search Results
arrow right in Search Selection ListOpen first result ('I'm feeling luck' feature)

2. In Search Results
escape or azReturn to search box. Instead escape, you can also just continue typing
arrow down / arrow upJump to next / jump to previous search result (arrow icon moves to next result). arrow up on first result returns focus to Search Box.
enter in search resultOpen result page
shift+enter in search resultOpen result in new browser window
command+enterOpen result in new background tab
command+shift+enterOpen result in new foreground tab
option+enter in search resultDownload result

Anand technical education

Twitter, remember the milk, kanban tools, onshape, etc shortcut key/ Anand technical education

Table of Contents: 


  1. Actions
  2. Navigation
  3. Timelines
1. Actions
nNew tweet
mDirect message
uMute user
bBlock user
EnterOpen Tweet details
lClose all open Tweets
oExpand photo
Ctrl+EnterSend Tweet

2. Navigation
?Open shortcuts menu
jNext Tweet
kPrevious Tweet
SpacePage down
.Load new Tweets

Table of Contents: 

Remember the milk

  1. Editing Tasks
  2. SmartAdd
  3. Selection
  4. Navigation
  5. Locations
1. Editing Tasks
tAdd a new task
cComplete the selected task
pPostpone the selected task by one day
dEdit the due date of the selected task
fEdit the repeat of the selected task
gEdit the estimated time of the selected task
sEdit the tags of the selected task
uEdit the url of the selected task
lEdit the location of the selected task
yAdd a note to the selected task
rRename the selected task
zUndo the last action
1Set selected task to priority 1
2Set selected task to priority 2
3Set selected task to priority 3
4Set selected task to no priority
deleteDelete the selected task
mToggle multi-edit mode (SmartAdd must be disabled)

2. SmartAdd
Allows you to specify all the details of a new task by typing the right syntax into the task box.

Must be enabled in the 'General' tab of the 'Settings' page.
^Specify a due date See supported due date formats.
!1/2/3Specify a priority.
#Specify a list or tag
@Specify a location (location must already be defined in RTM)
*Specify repeat options. See supported repeat formats.
=Specify a time estimate. See supported time estimate formats.


3. Selection
aSelect all tasks in the list
nSelect none of the tasks in the list
j/kMove up / move down in the list
iSelect current item in the list
hSwitch between Task and Notes tabs for selected task
tabSave input and move to next input field
escapeRemove cursor from current input field
shift+clickSelect all tasks between first and second task clicked


4. Navigation
ctrl+shift+/Place the cursor in the search box
ctrl+shift+6Jump to Overview screen
ctrl+shift+7Jump to Tasks screen
ctrl+shift+8Jump to Locations screen
ctrl+shift+9Jump to Contacts screen
ctrl+shift+0Jump to Settings screen
ctrl+shift+ arrow right/arrow leftMove to the next/previous tab (e.g. task list)
ctrl+shift+lJump to Login screen

5. Locations
Note: you may need to click on the map before these will work
arrow keysPan map in direction indicated
page up/page down, home/endPan map in direction indicated (larger step than arrow keys)
+/-Zoom in/zoom out
ctrl+shift+lMove cursor to the "go" box
3. Timelines
g then hHome
g then nNotifications
g then rMentions
g then pProfile
g then fFavorites
g then lLists
g then mMessages
g then sSettings
g then uGo to user

Table of Contents:


  1. Editing
  2. Presenting
1. Editing
FDraw frame. Press again to change frame type (bracket, circle, rectangle or hidden)
LLoad a file on canvas (image, video, PDF, SWF)
SDraw a shape. Press again to change shape type (arrow, line, rectangle, circle, triangle).
PGo to Path mode
1/2Zoom in / Zoom Out
3/4Rotate clockwise / counter-clockwise
Delete, BackspaceDelete selected object(s)
Arrow KeysMove the selection 1 pixels
Shift+Arrow KeysMove the selection 10 pixels
Alt+ mouseMove, resize, or rotate a frame without altering the content of that frame.
Ctrl+SSave prezi
Ctrl+DDuplicate selected object(s)
Ctrl+C/Ctrl+VCopy selected object(s)
Ctrl+Shift+MToggle Screen Mode Ratio between the values: 4:3, 16:9, and off.
Ctrl+Shift+COpens the Prezi CSS editor.
Ctrl+Shift+DDuplicates and flips your content, creating a mirrored version of your content (works for images and arrows but not text).
EscFinish current action or close open dialog
SpaceEnter Present Mode
Space, then 0Enter Present Mode in fullscreen
Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+YUndo / Redo last action

2. Presenting
Arrow Right / Arrow LeftMove Forward / move Backward along the Path
Arrow Up / Arrow DownSmart Zoom in / out
BBlackout the screen (move your mouse or press any other key to go back to presenting)
QEnable laser pointer (in "Present" Mode only)
SpaceAdvance along the path (only in Present mode fullscreen)
Page Up / Page DownMove Forward and Back along the Path (not in full screen)
EscEnd presentation
Shift+?>>> Keyboard Shortcuts <<< (!)
Space barClears selection

Table of Contents:


ICreates a new entry in Inbox (without moving left hand menu item)
ACreates a new Action (in current list, saved to bottom of current list)
NNew item (in current Context) inserted at BOTTOM of list
Shift+NNew item (in current Context) at TOP of list
PNew Project (saved to bottom of Projects list)
LNew reference List


Shift+ERapid Entry becomes visible (toggles on/off)
ERapid Entry (has focus if visible)
Shift+EnterSave to top of current list
EnterSave to bottom of current list


1 - 0, 0Inbox through Trash
Up / DownTraverse Up / Down


shift+0Filter all areas
shift+left / shift+rightPrevious / Next


shift+ERapid Entry toggle
Tab / EFor Focus
EscRemove focus
EnterSave at bottom of list
shift+EnterSave at top of list


CMove completed tasks to Logbook
GManage Areas
KKeyboard shortcuts
HHelp dialog
EscCancel current action
Kaman tools
1. Online Kanban Board for Visual Project Management
Nadding new tasks
Ctrl + Entersaving and closing existing task or for creating and closing new tasks
Ctrl + Shift + Entersaving changes to the existing Kanban card or for creating and adding next new task
Escclosing card without saving
Ctrl or Shift + arrow (up or down)navigating between swimlanes
Ctrl + number (from 1 to 9)navigating between swimlanes, eg. Ctrl + 2 scrolls to the second swimlane
Anand technical education

Google spreadsheet shortcut key /Anand technical education

Table of Contents:

  1. Movement within worksheets
  2. Movement within a selected range
  3. Entering/editing data
  4. Miscellaneous Shortcuts
1. Movement within worksheets
Arrow KeysMove one cell up, down, left, or right
TabMove one cell to the right
Shift+TabMove one cell to the left
EndMove to the end of the row
Ctrl+EndGo to last cell in data region
HomeMove to the beginning of the row
Ctrl+HomeMove to the beginning of the worksheet
Ctrl+Arrow Left / Ctrl+Arrow RightGo to left-most / right-most cell in current row
Ctrl+Arrow Down / Ctrl+Arrow UpGo to bottom-most / to-most cell in current column
Ctrl+Page Down / Ctrl+Page UpMove to next / move to previousworksheet
Alt+Page Down / Alt+Page UpMove one screen to the right / one screen to the left
Ctrl+BackspaceScroll to the active cell when multiple cells are selected
Ctrl+Shift+Page Up/Page DownSwitch sheets


2. Movement within a selected range
EnterMove from top to bottom within the selected range
Shift+EnterMove from bottom to top within the selected range
TabMove from left to right within the selected range. If cells in a single column are selected, move down.
Shift+TabMove from right to left within the selected range. If cells in a single column are selected, move up.


3. Entering/editing data
Ctrl+aSelect the all / entire worksheet
Ctrl+bBold the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl+cCopy the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl+fFind words or phrases within the spreadsheet
Ctrl+iItalicize the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl+rCopy the content of the selected cell right (used in combo with Shift + arrow)
Ctrl+uUnderline the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl+vPaste the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl+xCut the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl+yRedo the last action
Ctrl+zUndo the last action.
EnterComplete a cell entry and select the cell below
Shift+EnterComplete a cell entry and select the previous cell above
Alt+EnterStart a new line in the same cell
Ctrl+EnterInsert line break in a cell
TabComplete a cell entry and select the next cell to the right
Shift+TabComplete a cell entry and select the previous cell to the left
F2Edit the active cell and position the insertion point at the end of the cell contents
Shift+F2Edit comment
EscCancel cell entry
BackspaceEdit the active cell and then clear it, or delete the preceding character in the active cell as you edit cell contents
DeleteDelete the character to the right of the insertion point, or delete the selection
Ctrl+SpaceSelect the entire column
Shift+SpaceSelect the entire row
Shift+Arrow KeysManual select
Ctrl+Shift+sMake a copy of the document
Alt+Shift+5Strikethrough formatting for the contents of the cell
Alt+Shift+&Apply border outline to selected cells
Alt+Shift+_Remove border outline from selected cells
Alt+Shift+tApply or remove top border from the selected cells
Alt+Shift+bApply or remove bottom border from the selected cells
Alt+Shift+rApply or remove right border from the selected cells
Alt+Shift+lApply or remove left border from the selected cells


4. Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Ctrl+Shift+EnterWrap current formula in an ArrayFormula
Ctrl+;Insert current date into cell
Ctrl+:Insert current time into cell
Ctrl+/Open keyboard shortcuts help
Ctrl+'View all formulas

Anand technical education