Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Auto Formatting in Word 2010

Auto Formatting in Word 2010

The AutoFormat feature automatically formats a document as you type it by applying the associated styles to text. Let us learn how to use auto format option available Microsoft Word 2010 to format the typed content. For example if you type three dashes -- and press enter, Word will automatically create a line for you. Similarly word will automatically format two dashes -- into an em dash (—).

Setting AutoFormat:

Following are the simple steps to set AutoFormat feature in your Microsoft Word.
Step (1): Click the File tab, click Options, and then click Proofing option available in the left most column, it will display Word Options dialog box.
Word Options
Step (2): Click the AutoCrrect Options button which will display AutoCorrect dialog box and then click AutoFormat As You Type tab to determine what items Word will automatically format for you as you type.
AutoCorrect Options
Step (3): Select from among the following options, depending on your preferences.
SNOption and Description
1"Straight quotes" with “smart quotes”
This option will be used to replace plain quotation characters with curly quotation characters.
2Fractions (1/2) with fraction character (½)
This option will be used to replace fractions typed with numbers and slashes with fraction characters.
3*Bold* and _italic_ with real formatting
This option will be used to format text enclosed within asterisks (*) as bold and text enclosed within underscores ( _ ) as italic.
4Internet and network paths with hyperlinks
This option will be used to format e-mail addresses and URLs as clickable hyperlink fields.
5Ordinals (1st) with superscript
This option will be used to format ordinal numbers with a superscript like 1st becomes 1st.
6Hyphens (--) with dash (—)
This option will be used to replace a single hyphen with an en dash (.) and two hyphens with an em dash (—).
7Automatic bulleted lists
This option will be used to apply bulleted list formatting to paragraphs beginning with *, o, or - followed by a space or tab character.
8Automatic numbered lists
This option will be used to apply numbered list formatting to paragraphs beginning with a number or letter followed by a space or a tab character.
9Border lines
This option will be used to apply paragraph border styles when you type three or more hyphens, underscores, or equal signs (=).
This option will be used to create a table when you type a series of hyphens with plus signs to indicate column edges. Try with +-----+------+ ) and then enter.
11Built-in heading styles
This option will be used to apply heading styles to heading text.
12Format beginning of list item like the one before it
This option will be used to replace plain quotation characters with curly quotation characters.
13Set left- and first-indent with tabs and backspaces
This option sets left indentation on the tab ruler based on the tabs and backspaces you type.
14Define styles based on your formatting
This option automatically creates or modifies styles based on manual formatting that you apply to your document.
Step (4): Finally click OK to close the AutoCorrect Options dialog box and again click OK to close the Word Options dialog box.

Auto Correction in Word 2010

Auto Correction in Word 2010

The AutoCorrect feature automatically corrects common typographical errors when you make them. Let us learn how to use auto correction option available Microsoft Word 2010 to correct the spelling automatically as you type the words in your documents.

Setting AutoCorrect:

Following are the simple steps to enable AutoCorrect feature in your Microsoft Word.
Step (1): Click the File tab, click Options, and then click Proofing option available in the left most column, it will display Word Options dialog box.
Word Options
Step (2): Click the AutoCrrect Options button which will display AutoCorrect dialog box and then click AutoCorrect tab. Now you have to make sure all the options are enabled specially Replace Text as you type option, if any of the options needs to be turned off then be careful before turning it off. If you are beginner then I'm sure you would not need to turn it off.
AutoCorrect Options
Step (3): Select from among the following options, depending on your preferences.
SNOption and Description
1Show AutoCorrect Options Buttons
This option will be used to display a small blue button or bar beneath text that was automatically corrected. Click this button to see a menu, where you can undo the correction or set AutoCorrect options.
2Correct TWo INitial CApitals
This option changes the second letter in a pair of capital letters to lowercase.
3Capitalize first letter of sentences
This option capitalizes the first letter following the end of a sentence.
4Capitalize first letter of table cells
This option will be used to capitalize the first letter of a word in a table cell.
5Capitalize names of days
This option will be used to capitalize the names of the days of the week.
6Correct accidental usage of cAPS LOCK key
This option will be used to correct capitalization errors that occur when you type with the CAPS LOCK key depressed and turns off this key.
7Replace text as you type
This option replaces typographical errors with the correct words as shown in the list beneath it.
8Automatically use suggestions from the spelling checker
This option tells Word to replace spelling errors with words from the dictionary as you type.
Although Word comes preconfigured with hundreds of AutoCorrect entries, you can also manually add entries using following dialog box and use Replace and With text boxes to add more entries. I added an entry for Markiting which should be replaced with Marketing. You can use Add button to add multiple entries.
Step (4): Finally click OK to close the AutoCorrect Options dialog box and again click OK to close the Word Options dialog box. Now try to type Markiting and as soon as you type this word, Microsoft Word auto correct it with correct word Marketing word.

Use Graphics in Word 2010

Use Graphics in Word 2010

You can beautify your Microsoft Word documents by inserting a variety of graphics. There are slight differences in adding graphics in your word document. This chapter will teach you two ways of adding graphics and rest will leave up to you to try. further

Adding Picture in Document:

Following are the simple steps to add an existing picture in your word document. It is assumed that you already have a picture available on your PC before you add this picture in your word document.
Step (1): Click in your document where you want to add a picture.
Step (2): Click the Insert tab and then click Picture option available in illustrations group, which will display Insert Picture dialog box.
Insert Picture
Step (3): You can select a required picture using Insert Picture dialog box. When you will click Insert button, selected picture will be inserted in your document. You can play with your inserted picture in different ways, like you can apply quick styles to your picture, you can resize it, or you can change its color it. To try it, just double click your inserted image and Word will give you numerous options available under Format tab to format your inserted graphics.
Format Picture
You can try yourself to insert other available graphics like Clip Art, Different Shapes, Charts and Smart Art or Screenshots. Just click over them and you will find your way very easily.

Adding WordArt in Document:

Word Art provides a way to add fancy words in your word document. You can document your text in a variety of ways. Following are the simple steps to add a WordArt in your document.
Step (1): Click in your document where you want to add a WordArt.
Step (2): Click the Insert tab and then click WordArt option available in Text group, which will display a gallery of WordArt
Insert WordArt
Step (3): You can select any of the WordArt style from the displayed gallery by clicking on it. Now you can modify the inserted text as per your requirement and you can make it further beautiful by using different options available. To try it, just double click your inserted WordArd and Word will give you numerous options available from Format tab to format your image. Most frequently used options are Shape Styles and WordArt Styles.
Format WordArt
You can try yourself to apply different options on the inserted WordArt by changing its shape styles, colors, WordArt Styles etc.

Use Templates in Word 2010 Microsoft Word

Use Templates in Word 2010

Microsoft Word template is a collection of styles which defines paragraph styles for regular text paragraphs, a title, and different levels of headings. You can use any of the already existing templates for your word document or you can design a template which can be used for your all the company documents.

Using Existing Template:

Following are the simple steps to use an already existing template for your newly created word document. A template is selected at the time when you create a new blank document.
Step (1): To start a new document, Click the File tab and then click New option which will display Available Templates to be selected.
Available Templates
Step (2): Microsoft Word provides a list of templates arranged under Sample Templates or you can download hundreds of templates from which are arranged in different categories. We will use Sample Templates for our document, so let us click over Sample Templates which will display a gallery of templates. You can try to use option to select a template for your requirement.
Sample Templates
Step (3): You can browse a list of available templates and finally select one of them for your document by double clicking over the template. I select Equity Report template for my report purpose. While selecting your template for a document, you would have to select Document Option available in the third column. This opens your document with predefined setting which you can modify document title, author name, heading etc as per your document requirement.
Selected Template

Create New Template:

You can create a fresh new template based on your requirement or you can modify an existing template and save it for later use as a template. A Microsoft Word template file has an extension of .dotx. Following are the steps to create a new template.
Step (1): To create a new template using an existing template, Click the File tab and then click New option which will display Available Templates to be selected. Select any of the available template and open it with Template Option turned on.
Template Option
Step (2): Now you can modify opened template as per your requirements and once you are done, you are save this template with .dotx extension which is standard extension for Microsoft Word Templates.
Modified Template
You can create a template from a new document as well. Click the File button, and click New option to open a new document. Under Available Templates, double click Blank Document to create a new document template. Save the template with a unique name and .dotx extension.
You can save created template anywhere you lick and whenever you like to use this template, just double click over the template file and it will open a new template based document for you.

Quick Styles in Word 2010

Quick Styles in Word 2010

Microsoft Word provides a gallery of Quick Styles that you can apply to headings, titles, text, and lists. Quick styles gives you with sets of canned formatting choices, such as font, boldface, and color which we will see in this chapter.

Apply Quick Styles:

Following are the simple steps to apply quick styles on selected text.
Step (1): Select a text on which you want to apply a style. Using style you can make selected text as a heading or subheading or title of the document. You can try using different styles on your text based on your requirement.
Step (2): Click the Home tab and then move your mouse pointer over the available styles in Style Gallery and you will see your selected text will change its style based on the selected style. You can display more available styles by clicking over More Style button.
Style Gallery
Step (3): Finally to apply a selected style, just click over the style and you will find that it is has been applied on your selected text.
Applied Style Text
You can bring a text to its normal appearance by selecting Normal style available in Style Gallery.

Change Styles:

Change Style would allow to change the default font, color, paragraph spacing and style set for a document. Following are the simple steps to change the default style.
Step (1): Open the document for which you would like to change the style. Click the Home tab and then click Change Styles button which will show you all the options to be changed. You can change Style, Font, Color and Spacing of the paragraph.
Change Style Options
Step (2): Now let's say you want to change style set, Click the Style Set option, this will display a sub-menu to select any of the available setyle set. When you move your mouse over different style sets, it will give you real time text preview to give an idea about the final result.
Set Style Menu
Step (3): Finally to apply a selected style set, just click over the style set and you will find that it is has been applied on your document.
Applied Style Set
Similar way you can try applying Font, Color and Paragraph Spacing. You can try these options yourself.

Table Borders & Shades in Word 2010

Table Borders & Shades in Word 2010

Microsoft Word allows you to place a border on any or all of the four sides of a table very similar to text, paragraphs, and pages. You can also add many type of shading to table rows and columns. This chapter will teach you how to add any of the borders ( left, right, top or bottom) around a table and how to add different shadows to various rows and columns of the table.

Add Borders To Table:

Following are the simple steps to add borders in a table cell available in word document.
Step (1): Select the table to which you want to add border. To select a table, click over the table anywhere which will make Cross Icon visible at the top-left corner of the table. Just click this cross icon to select the table.
Step (2): Click the Border Button to display a list of options to put a border around the selected table. You can select any of the option available by simply clicking over it.
Table Border
Step (3): Try to add and remove different borders like left, right top or bottom by selecting different options from the border options.
Table Border2
Step (4): You can apply border to any of the selected row or column. You can try it yourself.
Step (5): To delete the existing border, simply select No Border option from the border options.

Using Border Options:

You can add borders of your choice to word table by following the simple steps given below.
Step (1): Click the Border Button to display a list of options to put a border. Select Border and Shading option available at the bottom of list of the options as shown in above screen capture. This will display a Border and Shading dialog box. This dialog box can be used to set borders and shading around a selected table.
Table Border Options
Step (2): Click Border tab which will display a list of border settings, styles and options whether this border should be applied to the table or text or paragraph.
Step (3): You can use Preview section to disable or enable left, right , top or bottom borders of the selected table or row or column. Follow the given instruction in preview section itself to design the border you like.
Step (4): You can customize your border by setting its color, width by using different width thickness available under style section.

Stylish Table Border

Add Shades To Table:

Following are the similar steps to add shades on a selected table or its rows or columns.
Step (1): Select a row or column where you want to apply shade of your choice.
Selected Table Row
Step (2): Click the Border Button to display a list of options to put a border. Select Border and Shading option available at the bottom of list of the options. This will display a Border and Shading dialog box. This dialog box can be used to set borders and shading around selected row(s) or column(s).
Table Shading
Step (2): Click Shading tab which will display options to select fill, color and style and whether this border should be applied to cell or table or selected text.
Step (3): You can use Preview section to have an idea about the expected result. Once you are done, click OK button to apply the result.
Table Shades

Add Formula to a Table in Word 2010

Add Formula to a Table in Word 2010

Microsoft Word allows you to use mathematical formula in table cells which can be used to add numbers, to find average of numbers, or find the largest or smallest number in table cells you specify. There is a long list of formulas from which, a formula can be used based on the requirement. This chapter will teach you how to use formula in word tables.

Add a Formula:

Following are the simple steps to add formula in a table cell available in word document.
Step (1): Consider the following table where we will have total of the rows. Click in a cell that should contain the sum of a rows.
Salary Table
Step (2): Now click the Layout tab and then click Formula button which will display a Formula Dialog Box which will suggest a default formula, which is =SUM(LEFT) in our case. You can select a number format using Number Format List Box to display the result or you can change the formula using Formula List Box.
Formula Dialog Box
Step (3): Now click OK to apply the formula and you will see that left cells have been added and its sum has been put in the total cell where we wanted to have it. You can repeat the procedure to have sum of other two rows as well.
Sum Result

Cell Formulas:

The Formula dialog box provides following important functions to be used as formula in a cell.
AVERAGE( )The average of a list of cells.
COUNT( )The number of items in a list of cells
MAX( )The largest value in a list of cells
MIN( )The smallest value in a list of cells
PRODUCT( )The multiplication of a list of cells
SUM( )The sum of a list of cells
If you are bit familiar with spreadsheet program, you can construct your word cell formula. Word formulas use a reference system to refer to individual table cells. Each column is identified by a letter, starting with A for the first column, B for the second column, and so on. After the letter comes the row number. Thus, the first cell in the first row is A1, the third cell in the fourth row is C4, and so on.
Following are usful points to help you in constructing word cell formula.
SNCell References and Description
1A single cell reference, such as B3 or F7
2A range of cells, such as A4:A9 or C5:C13
3A series of individual cells, such as A3,B4,C5
4ABOVE, referring to all cells in the column above the current cell.
5BELOW, referring to all cells in the column below the current cell.
6LEFT, referring to all cells in the row to the left of the current cell
7RIGHT, referring to all cells in the row to the right of the current cell
You can also construct simple math expressions, such as B3+B5*10 by using simple mathematical operators +, -, /, *, %.

Split a Table Cells in Word 2010

Split a Table Cells in Word 2010

Previous chapter taught us how to divide a table into multiple tables. Sometime you will need to split a table cell into two or more sub-cells. Microsoft Word allows splitting a cell into multiple cells. This chapter will teach you how to split a cell into multiple smaller sub-cells.

Split a Cell:

Following are the simple steps to split a cell into two sub-cells of a table available in word document.
Step (1): Bring your mouse pointer position inside a cell that you want to divide into multiple cells.
Selected Cell
Step (2): Now click the Layout tab and then click Split Cells Button which will display a dialog box asking for number of rows and columns to be created from the selected cell.
Cell Dialog Box
Step (3): Select the desired number of rows and columns which you would like to have in resultant cell and finally click OK button to apply the result.
Split Cell
You can divide a cell into multiple cells either row-wise or column-wise or both.

Split a Table in Word 2010

Sometime there will be a situation when you would like to split an existing table into two or more tables. Microsoft Word allows splitting a table into multiple tables but a single operation will always divide a table into two tables. This chapter will teach you how to split a table into two smaller tables.

Split a Table:

Following are the simple steps to split a table into two tables in a word document.
Step (1): Bring your mouse pointer position anywhere in the row that should appear as the first row of the new table.
Selected Row
Step (2): Now click the Layout tab and then click Split Table Button which will split the table into two tables and selected row will become the first row of the lower table.
Split Table
After splitting the table into two tables, you can further divide it into two parts and you can continue dividing word tables as long as a table has more than one number of rows.
Split Table

Merging Table Cells in Word 2010

Merging Table Cells in Word 2010

Microsoft Word allows merging two or more cells to create one large cell. You would frequently need to merge columns of the top row to create title of the table. You can merge cells either row-wise or column-wise, rather you cannot merge cells diagonally. This chapter will teach you how to merge multiple rows or columns.

Merging Cells:

Following are the simple steps to merge table cells in a word document.
Step (1): Bring your mouse pointer position inside the first cell you want to merge. Now press Shift key and click the cells around the cell which you want to merge into the first cell. This will highlight the cells which you click and they will be ready to be merged.
Selected Cells
Step (2): Now click the Layout tab and then click Merge Cells Button which will merge all the selected cells.
Merged Cells
After merging the cells, all the content of the cells will be scrambled which you can fix later as you like. For example, you can convert the merged cells text into title or some other description. For example, let us have center aligned and bigger font text as follows on top of the table.
Table Header

Resize a Table in Word 2010

Resize a Table in Word 2010

Microsoft Word allows to resize a table to make it smaller and bigger as per your requirement. This chapter will give you simple steps to resize a table.

Resize a Table:

Following are the simple steps to resize a table available in a word document.
Step (1): Bring your mouse pointer over the table which you want to resize. As soon as you bring your mouse pointer inside the table, a small Cross Icon will appear at the top-left corner and a small Resize Icon will appear at the bottom-right corner of the table as shown below.
Resize Icon
Step (2): Bring mouse cursor over the Resize Icon till it changes to diagonal double sided arrow and this is the time when you need to press left mouse button and keep holding the button while resizing the table. Drag the table up to make it shorter or down to make it larger. You can drag the table diagonally to simultaneously change both the width and height of the table.
Resized Table