Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Setting Text Fonts and Size in Word 2010

Setting Text Fonts and Size in Word 2010

Microsoft word allows you to use different fonts with different size. You can change your document's appearance by changing the fonts and their size. Usually you use different fonts for paragraphs and headings. So it is important to learn how to use different fonts. This chapter will teach you how to change a font and its size using simple steps.

Change the Font Type & Size:

Let me give a brief idea about font buttons which we are going to use in this tutorial. Here is a screen capture to show you few font related buttons.
Font Type
Step (1): Select the text that you want to change to a different font and click Home tab. Now click Font Type button to list down all the fonts available as shown below.
Font List
Step (2): Try to move mouse pointer over different fonts listed. You will see that text font changes when you move mouse pointer over different fonts. You can use Font Scroll Bar to display more fonts available. Finally select a desired font by clicking over the font name in the list. I selected MV Boli for my sample text.
MV Boli
Step (3): Similar way, to change the font size, click over the Font Size button which will display a font size list. You will use same procedure to select a desired font size what you have used while selecting a font type.
Font Size

Use Shrink and Grow Buttons:

You can use a quick way to reduce or enlarge the font size. As shown in first screen capture, Shrink Font button can be used to reduce the font size whereas Grow Font button can be used to enlarge font size.
Font Grow and Shrink Buttons
Try to click either of these two buttons and you will see the effect. You can click a single button multiple times to apply the effect. Each time you click either of the buttons, it will enlarge or reduce the font size by 1 point.

Clear Formatting Options:

All of the setting can be reset to the plain text, or the default formatting. To reset text to default settings:
Step (1): Select the text that you want to reset.
Step (2): Click Clear Formatting button in the Home tab Font group, or simply use Ctrl + SPACEBAR.
Clear Formatting Buttons

Undo and Redo the Changes in Word 2010

Undo and Redo the Changes in Word 2010

Microsoft word provides two important features called Undo, which is used to undo the previous action and second one is Repeat or Redo, which is used to repeat the previous action.
For example, If you mistakenly delete text, you can use the Undo feature to recover it, similar way if delete a character and you want to delete more characters then you can use Repeat operation.

How to use Undo & Repeat operations:

You can access the Undo and Repeat buttons from the Quick Access toolbar. You should make a note that Repeat button also called Redo button and both operations have same meaning.
Undo and Repeat Buttons
Here is the simple procedure to apply undo or repeat (redo) operations:
Step (1): Let us type some text in a blank document as I have typed above. Now click Repeat (Redo) button and you will see that word would repeat the same operation for you.
Repeat Operation
Step (2): Now to examine undo operation, let us delete last word operation character by character so that you have following text remaining in the line.
Undo Operation
Step (3): Let us try to click Undo button one by one. You will see that work would recover all the deleted characters one by one after performing few undo operations.
Undo Operation2

Shortcuts to use Undo & Repeat operations:

Though you can access the Undo and Repeat commands from the Quick Access toolbar, but because these commands are the most frequently used commands, so I would recommend to memorize their keyboard shortcuts which are as follows:
Ctrl + ZUndoes the previous action.
Ctrl + YRepeats the previous action.
Note that if the previous action was Undo, Ctrl+Y redoes the undone action.

Special Symbols in Word 2010

Special Symbols in Word 2010

Your keyboard may not have many characters available but you want to use those characters in your document, in such situation you have option to insert Special Symbols the way I have explained in this tutorial.
To insert symbols you use occasionally, follow the steps in this section. If you find yourself using a particular symbol frequently, you can assign a keyboard shortcut to it.

Insert Special Symbols:

Here is the simple procedure to apply zoom-in or zoom-out operation using view tab:
Step (1): To insert a special symbol, bring your cursor at the place where you want to insert the symbol. Click the Insert tab. You will find two options under symbol button (a) Equation and (b) Symbols. Click either of these two options based on your requirement. You would use equations while preparing mathematical or scientific or any similar document. For now I'm going to click Symbol button which is shown below.
Symbol Button
Step (2): When you click Symbol button, a small list of symbols will appear as shown below.
Symbol Box
Step (3): Now click on any of the available symbols in the box to insert that in your document at the selected location. If you do not find desired symbol in this small box then you can click at More Symbols option to have a wide range of symbols as shown below in the symbol dialog box. You can select any of the symbol and then click Insert button to insert the selected symbol.
Symbol Dialog Box

Assign Shortcut Key:

You can assign a keyboard shortcut to type any of the available symbol. Following are the steps to assign Ctrl + Q key to insert © symbol which is one of the available symbol in the special symbols list:
Step (1): Assume you already have following symbol dialog box opened.
Shortcut Key
Step (2): Click the symbol for which you like to assign shortcut key. Next click Shortcut Key button which will display following Customize Keyboard dialog box.
Customize Keyboard
Step (3): Now type the selected shortcut key in the shortcut key box. You press Ctrl + Q and then click Assign button to assign the shortcut key. You will see that chosen key will be added in the list of assigned keys. Finally use Close button to close the dialog box.
Step (4): Now try to type Ctrl + Q using keyboard directly and you will find that you are able to type © symbol without going into symbol dialog box.

Zoom In and Zoom Out in Word 2010

Zoom In and Zoom Out in Word 2010

Microsoft Word provides a functionality to apply zoom-in and zoom-out operations on a document. When we apply zoom-in operation, it enlarges the size of text whereas applying zoom-out operation reduces the size of text.
A zoom operation just changes the size of the font on-screen without impacting any other attribute of the document. You can apply zoom operation in various ways which we are going to explain in this tutorial.

Zoom-in & Zoom-out using view tab:

Here is the simple procedure to apply zoom-in or zoom-out operation using view tab:
Step (1): Click the view tab and then click Zoom button which is shown below.
Zoom Button
Step (2): When you click Zoom button, a Zoom dialog box will appear as shown below and will display zoom options box to select a value to reduce or increase the size of the document on-screen. BY default it will be 100%, you can select 200% to increase the size of the font or 75% to reduce the size of the font. You can sent view at custom percent as well by entering a value in the given box.
You can click the Many pages down arrow and select to display multiple pages.
Zoom Options
Step (3): Once you are done with selecting an option, click OK to apply the changes on the document.
Step (4): Try different options available, for example Page Width and Text Width.

Zoom-in & Zoom-out using (+) and (-) Buttons:

Following screen capture shows two buttons Zoom-out which is (-) button and Zoom-in which is (+) button.
Zoom Button 2
Step (1): Click Zoom-out button, you will find that your document size will decrease by 10% each time you click the button. Similar way if you click on Zoom-in button your document size will increase by 10% each time you click the button.
Step (2): Try this simple operation with different values to see the difference. Above screen capture shows 140% zoom-in view of the document.

Spell and Grammar Check in Word 2010

Spell and Grammar Check in Word 2010

Microsoft Word provides a decent Spelling and Grammar Checker which enables you to search for and correct all spelling and grammar mistakes in your document. Word is intelligent enough to identify misspelled or misused, as well as grammar errors and underlines them as follows.
  • A red underline beneath spelling errors.
  • A green underline beneath grammar errors.
  • A blue line under correctly spelled but misused words.

Check Spelling and Grammar using Review tab:

Here is the simple procedure to find out wrong spelling mistakes and fixing them:
Step (1): Click the Review tab and then click Spelling & Grammar button.
Spelling Button
Step (2): A Spelling and Grammar dialog box will appear and will display wrong spellings or grammar and correct suggestions as shown below:
Spelling Dialog
Now you have following options to fix the spelling mistake:
  • Ignore: If you are willing to ignore a word then click this button and word ignores the word throughout the document.
  • Ignore All: Like Ignore, but ignores all occurrences of the same misspelling, not just this one.
  • Add to Dictionary: Choose Add to Dictionary to add the word to the Word spelling dictionary.
  • Change: This will change the wrong word using the suggested correct word.
  • Change All: Like Change, but change all occurrences of the same misspelling, not just this one.
  • AutoCorrect: If you select a suggestion, Word creates an AutoCorrect entry that automatically corrects this spelling error from now on.
Following are the different options in case you have grammatical mistake:
  • Next Sentence: You can click Next Sentence to direct the grammar checker to skip ahead to the next sentence.
  • Explain: The grammar checker displays a description of the rule that caused the sentence to be flagged as a possible error.
  • Options: This will open the Word Options dialog box to allow you to change the behaviour of the grammar checker or spelling options.
  • Undo: This will undo the last grammar changed.
Step (3): Select one of the given suggestions you want to use and click Change option to fix the spelling or grammar mistake and repeat the step to fix all the spelling or grammar mistake.
Step (4): Word displays a dialog box when it finishes checking for spelling and grammar mistakes, finally Click OK.
Spelling Fix

Check Spelling and Grammar using Right Click:

If you will click a right mouse button over a misspelled word then it would show you correct suggestions and above mentioned options to fix the spelling or grammar mistake. Try it yourself.
Spelling Fix2

Find & Replace in Word 2010

Find & Replace in Word 2010

While working on editing a document you come across a situation very frequently when you want to search a particular word in your document and many times you will be willing to replace this word with another word at all the few or all the places throughout of the document. This tutorial will teach you how to find a word or phrase in a word document and how to replace existing word with any other word using simple steps.

Find Command:

The Find command enables you to locate specific text in your document. Following are the steps to find a word document in the following screen:
Step (1): Let us have a sample text available in our word document. Just type =rand() and press enter to have the following screen:
Sample Text
Step (2): Click the Find option in the Editing group on the Home tab or press Ctrl + F to launch the Navigation pane shown in step (2):
Find Option
Step (3): Enter a word which you want to search in the search box, as soon as you finish typing, Word searches for the text you entered and displays the results in the navigation pane and highlight the word in the document as well as follows:
Search Word
Step (4): You can click clear button (X) to clear the search and results and perform another search.
Step (5): You can use further options while searching for a word. Click option button to display options menu and then click Options option which will display a list of options. You can select options like match case to perform case sensitive search.
Find Options
Step (6): Finally if you are done with searching operation, you can click close button (X) to close the Navigation Pane.

Find & Replace Operation:

Hope you are expert in searching a word or phrase in a word document as explained above. Now this section will teach you how you can replace existing word in your document. Following are the simple steps:
Step (1): Click the Replace option in the Editing group on the Home tab or press Ctrl + H to launch the Find and Replace dialog box shown in step (2):
Replace Button
Step (2): Type a word which you want to search and a word which would like to replace with in the Find and Replace dialog box as follows:
Find and replace
Step (3): Click Replace button available on Find and Replace dialog box and you will see first occurrence of the searched word would be replaced with the replace with word. Clicking again on Replace button would replace next occurrence of the searched word. If you will click Replace All button then it would replace all the found words in one go. You can also use Find Next button just to search the next occurence and later you can use Replace button to replace the found word.
Step (4): You can use More >> button available on the dialog box to use more options and to make your search more specific like case sensitive search or searching for whole word only etc.
Step (5): Finally if you are done with finding and replacing operation, you can click Close (X) or Cancel button of the dialog box to close the box.

Copy, Cut & Paste in Word 2010

Copy, Cut & Paste in Word 2010

Previous tutorial explained how we can select desired text and move it to any other location in the same document or in any other document. This tutorial will teach you how to use copy, cut and paste techniques to duplicate a text leaving original text intact or removing original text completely.
To use copy and paste or cut and paste operations, word makes use of a temporary memory which is called clipboard. When you copy or cut a text then temporarily it stayed in clipboard and in second step you can paste this content at desired location.

Copy & Paste Operation:

Copy operation will just copy the content from its original place and create a duplicate copy of the content at the desired location without deleting the text from it's the original location. Following is the procedure to copy the content in word:
Step (1): Select a portion of the text using any of the text selection methods.
Selected Text
Step (2): At second step, you have various options available to copy the selected text in clipboard. Just use any one of them which you like most:
  • Using Mouse Right Click: If right click on the selected text, it will display copy option, just click this option to copy the selected content in clipboard.
  • Using Ribbon Copy Button: After selecting a text, you can use copy button available at the ribbon to copy the selected content in clipboard.
  • Using Ctrl + c Keys: After selecting a text, just press Ctrl + c keys to copy the selected content in clipboard.
Copy Buttons
Step (3): Finally click at the place where you want to copy selected text and use either of these two simple options:
  • Using Ribbon Paste Button: Just click paste button available at the ribbon to paste the copied content at the desired location.
  • Using Ctrl + v Keys: This is simplest way of pasting the content. Just press Ctrl + v keys to paste the content at the new location.
Copied Text
Note: You can repeat paste operation as many times as you like to paste the same content.

Cut & Paste Operation:

Cut operation will cut the content from its original place and move the content from its original location to a new desired location. Following is the procedure to move the content in word:
Step (1): Select a portion of the text using any of the text selection methods.
Selected Text
Step (2): At second step, you have various options available to cut the selected text and put it in clipboard. Just use any one of them which you like most:
  • Using Mouse Right Click: If right click on the selected text, it will display cut option, just click this option to cut the selected content and keep it in clipboard.
  • Using Ribbon Cut Button: After selecting a text, you can use cut button available at the ribbon to cut the selected content and keep it in clipboard.
  • Using Ctrl + x Keys: After selecting a text, just press Ctrl + x keys to cut the selected content and keep it in clipboard.
Copy Buttons
Step (3): Finally click at the place where you want to move the selected text and use either of these two simple options:
  • Using Ribbon Paste Button: Just click paste button available at the ribbon to paste the content at the new location.
  • Using Ctrl + v Keys: This is simplest way of pasting the content. Just press Ctrl + v keys to paste the content at the new location.
Moves Text
Note: You can repeat paste operation as many times as you like to paste the same content.

Copy, Cut & Paste in different documents:

You can use the same procedure what we have discussed above to copy and paste or cut and paste content form one document to another document. Procedure is very simple, just copy or cut the desired content from one document and go into another document where you want to paste the content and use mentioned step to paste the content.
You can use Alt + Tab keys to switch through the different documents and select the desired destination document.

Move Text in Word 2010

Move Text in Word 2010

Sometime it is required to move a text from one location to another location in the same document or in any another document. You can move text from one location in a document to another by using drag-and-drop technique with the help of mouse. This tutorial will teach you how to use drag and drop technique to move a text.

Move with-in same document:

Step (1): Select a portion of the text using any of the text selection methods.
Selected Text
Step (2): Now take your mouse pointer over the selected text and hold mouse left button and keep holding it while moving around the document.
Step (3): Take your mouse pointer at the place where you want to move selected text and release the mouse button. You will see that selected text is moved to the desired location.
Moved Text

Move with-in different documents:

You can move selected text from one document to another document. You are comfortable in moving text with-in the same document then here are simple steps which will help you in moving text from document to another document.
Step (1): Keep both the documents opened and to ensure that both documents are visible, click the Arrange All button on the View tab on the Ribbon.
Arrange All
This will display both the documents as shown below:
Double Documents
Step (2): Now, select a portion of the text using any of the text selection methods.
Step (3): Take your mouse pointer over the selected text and hold mouse left button and keep holding it while moving around the document.
Step (4): Take your mouse pointer at the place in second document where you want to move selected text and release the mouse button. You will see that selected text is moved to the desired location in second document.
Moved Text
Note: In case you have more than two documents, you can use Alt + Tab keys to switch through the different documents and select the desired destination document.

Delete Text in Word 2010

Delete Text in Word 2010

It is very common to delete text and retype the content in your word document. You might type something you did not want to type or there is something extra which is not required in the document. Regardless of the reason, Word offers you various ways of deleting the text in partial or complete content of the document.

Using Backspace & Delete Keys:

The most basic deletion technique is to delete characters one at a time by pressing either backspace or delete keys. Following table describes how you can delete single character or whole word by using either of these two keys:
SNKeys & Deletion Methods
Keep the insertion point just after the character you want to delete and press backspace key. Word deletes the character immediately to the left of the insertion point.
2Ctrl + Backspace
Keep the insertion point just after the word you want to delete and press Ctrl + Backspace key. Word deletes the whole word immediately to the left of the insertion point.
Keep the insertion point just before the character you want to delete and press delete key. Word deletes the character immediately to the right of the insertion point.
4Ctrl + Delete
Keep the insertion point just before the word you want to delete and press Ctrl + Delete key. Word deletes the word immediately to the right of the insertion point.

Using Selection Method:

You have learnt how to select various parts of a word document. You can make use of that learning to delete those selected parts as described in the following table:
SNComponent Selection & Delete Methods
1Deleting text between two points
Click at the start of the block of text, hold down Shift, and click at the end of the block to select the text and finally press either backspace or delete key.
2Deleting a single word
Simply double click anywhere on the word you want to delete and finally press either backspace or delete key.
3Deleting a paragraph
Simply triple click anywhere on the paragraph you want to delete and finally press either backspace or delete key.
4Deleting a sentence
Hold down Ctrl key and click anywhere in the sentence you want to delete and finally press either backspace or delete key.
5Deleting a column of text
Hold down Alt, click and hold the mouse button, and drag over the column you want to delete and finally press either backspace or delete key.
6Deleting a line
Bring your mouse in selection bar area and click in front of the line you want to delete and finally press either backspace or delete key.
7Deleting entire document content
Press Ctrl + A keys to delete the entire document and finally press either backspace or delete key.
Note: The black shaded area in the following screen shot is called selection bar. When you bring your cursor in this area, it turns into a rightward-pointing arrow.
Selection Bar

Select Text in Word 2010

Select Text in Word 2010

Selecting a text is one of the most important skill required while editing a word document. You can perform various operation on a selected text like you can delete it, copy it, move it, apply formatting to it, change its capitalization etc.
The most common method of selecting a text is to click and drag the mouse over the text you want to select. Following table lists down few other simple method which will help you in selecting text in different scenarios:
SNComponent & Selection Method
1Selecting text between two points
Click at the start of the block of text, hold down Shift, and click at the end of the block.
2Selecting a single word
Simply double click anywhere on the word you want to select.
3Selecting a paragraph
Simply triple click anywhere on the paragraph you want to select.
4Selecting a sentence
Hold down Ctrl key and click anywhere in the sentence you want to select.
5Selecting a column of text
Hold down Alt, click and hold the mouse button, and drag over the column you want to select.
Note that only one part of the document can be in selected state. If you have one portion of the document in selected state and as soon as you try to select any other part of the document, previous part will automatically be de-selected.

Using the Selection Bar:

The black shaded area in the following screen shot is called selection bar. When you bring your cursor in this area, it turns into a rightward-pointing arrow.
Selection Bar
You can use selection bar to select various components of a document as described in the following table:
SNComponent & Selection Method
1Selecting a line
Bring your mouse in selection bar area and click in front of the line you want to select.
2Selecting a paragraph
Bring your mouse in selection bar area and double click in front of the paragraph you want to select.
3Selecting the document
Bring your mouse in selection bar area and triple click.

Using the keyboard:

Keyboard provides very good support when you want to select various components of the document as described in the following table:
SNKey & Selection Method Selecting Text
1Ctrl + A
Press Ctrl + A keys to select the entire document.
Keep pressing Sift key and use any of the arrow keys to select the text.
Press F8 and then use any of the arrows keys to select the text.
4Ctrl + Shift + F8
Press Ctrl + Shift + F8 and then use any of the arrows keys to select column of the text.